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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening
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Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1
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Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2
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Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above
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Linguaskill General Writing
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Email: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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Linguaskill General Speaking
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Part 1: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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Part 2: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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Part 3: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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Part 4: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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Part 5: Mock Questions and Model Answers
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📧 Mock Question 42
📃 Mock Question 2
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Linguaskill General Writing > Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers >

📃 Mock Question 1

Mock questions are simulated test questions. Use this mock question to prepare for your Linguaskill General Writing test.

Part 1 |


A travel company sent you an advertisement.

Title: My Most Unforgettable Holiday

Write an article for our website about one of your personal travelling experiences recently.

Write the article.


  • Where you went on your most unforgettable holiday.
  • Why the holiday was special for you.
  • Whether you would recommend the holiday to others.

and any other points you would like to include.

Write at least 260 words.

Part 2 |

Model Answer:

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✏️ Memorise these points:

  • Where: You went on a 7-day holiday with your family to *insert a country name*.
  • Why: To celebrate your graduation.
  • Who: Your father, mother, brother, and sister travelled with you.
  • When: During the summer/spring/fall/winter.
  • What did you do: Sightseeing at famous landmarks.
  • What did you do: Ate a lot of delicious and unforgettable local food.
  • What did you do: Experienced the local arts and culture.
  • What did you do: Made friends and learned a new language with local people at tourist spots.
  • What did you do: Visited a famous theme park for a day.
  • You would recommend the holiday to other people.

🎯 Practise writing this:

My most unforgettable holiday would be the time I travelled on a 7-day holiday with my family to Tokyo, Japan. It was a gift from my father to celebrate my graduation, and although this trip occurred more than 3 years ago, I still remember it very fondly to this day.

One of the factors that made this trip so special was because of my family. My father, mother, brother, and sister accompanied me on this trip, and we bonded over the 7 days and created important memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

If you're looking to travel, timing your trip for the right season is one of the most important factors you'll have to consider. For us, we chose to travel during winter time in Tokyo, Japan. It's hot all year round in my country because of our tropical climate, so experiencing the coldness of winter was something that all of us really looked forward to. Why, we even got to experience light snowfall on one of the days!

The activities we did in Tokyo, Japan made our holiday special too. We went sightseeing at famous landmarks around Tokyo, we sat on the bullet train, we ate lots of delicious and unforgettable local cuisines, we experienced a variety of local arts and culture, and we even made a friend or two from learning the Japanese language with locals, all of whom were so friendly and polite, at some of the tourist spots we visited.

To cap off the whole experience, we made sure to make time in our schedule to visit Tokyo Disneyland on our final day of our trip. It was an extraordinary experience. I have never seen people so happy, cheerful, and professional in trying to make others happy, not to mention the unbelievable cleanliness of the theme park, exceptional service of the staff, and intricately detailed decorations seen everywhere.

If you're looking for a holiday destination that is meaningful, fun, and guaranteed to generate lifelong memories for the entire family, then look no further than Tokyo, Japan. You won't regret it.

351 Words

✏️ Memorise these points:

  • You compare two holiday destinations.
  • The first holiday destination is to a wilderness retreat in South Africa.
  • The second holiday destination is to New York city, USA.
  • Compare: The weather was hot and humid at the wilderness retreat; the weather was cool with an occasional light shower in the city.
  • Compare: The experience was peaceful, exciting at times, and relaxing at the wilderness retreat; the experience was boisterous, dynamic, and upbeat in the city.
  • Compare: The cost at the wilderness retreat is relatively high; the cost in the city depends on how you plan your itinerary.
  • Say which holiday destination you preferred and would recommend to other people.
  • If wilderness retreat: The reason is because you live in the city and you want to connect with nature.
  • If city: The reason is because you live in the countryside and you want to experience the city's high-flying lifestyle.

🎯 Practise writing this:

I've travelled a lot over the past few years and two of the most memorable holidays that stood out to me would have to be the trip I made to a wilderness retreat in South Africa and the trip I made to New York city, USA. During both of these trips, I made many fond and vivid memories that still bring a smile to my face when I recall them today.

Make no mistake, though. Both these holiday destinations are as different as they can be. In this article, I'll attempt to compare them for you so that if you're thinking about travelling to these two places (or similar places), you'll know exactly what to expect.

Firstly, the weather. The weather at the wilderness retreat was consistently hot and humid. I experienced little wind at the wilderness retreat, and when the wind did blow it brought a wave of heat upon my skin. The weather in the city was very much the opposite. It was consistently cool on most days and occasionally, interrupted by a light shower. Some days got rather chilly, which was quite unexpected, but not so cold that I had to put on some warm clothes.

Secondly, the atmosphere. I would describe the atmosphere at the wilderness retreat as peaceful and relaxing. Nevertheless, there was some element of excitement here and there especially when the local performers came to perform or when the wild safari animals stopped by for a photoshoot! On the other hand, the atmosphere in New York city was just amazing. The place was boisterous, dynamic, and upbeat, and everyone I met was positive and energetic. This may not be for everyone, though, as some people may find this energy too "high strung" for their taste.

Thirdly, the cost. I found it difficult to compare costs because the overall experiences were so different. However, I would say that the overall cost of the wilderness retreat was generally higher than the overall cost in the city from the standpoint that the cost at the wilderness retreat was more or less fixed. Everything came with the package, from accommodation, food and beverage, and special tours. In the city, the cost would depend on your itinerary, so if your budget is tight you can always choose to scale down.

Personally, if I were to choose one of the two and recommend it to others, I would pick the wilderness retreat in South Africa. I have lived in the city ever since I was a kid, and truth be told it felt really good to reconnect with nature in a resort-like, recreational environment. So if you ever need a tour guide, you know who to call!

448 Words
📧 Mock Question 42
📃 Mock Question 2
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