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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening
Before You Start
· · 📰🎧 Understanding what is being tested. · · What is paraphrasing? · · What is parts of speech? · · What themes should you expect? · · 📰🎧 Use these strategies to score.
Must-Learn Items
· · Preposition word list. · · Pronoun word list. · · Modal verb word list. · · Phrasal verb word list.
Express Guide to 100-119/CEFR A1
· · Vocabulary list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Collocations list for 100-119/CEFR A1.
Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2
· · Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1
· · Vocabulary list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Collocations list for 140-159/CEFR B1.
Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2
· · Vocabulary list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Collocations list for 160-179/CEFR B2.
Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above
· · Vocabulary list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Idioms & phrases list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Collocations list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above.
Linguaskill General Writing
Before You Start
· · ️✏️ Understanding what is being tested. · · ✏️ Use these strategies to score. · · List of Discourse Markers
Email: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📧 Mock Question 1 · · 📧 Mock Question 2 · · 📧 Mock Question 3 · · 📧 Mock Question 4 · · 📧 Mock Question 5 · · 📧 Mock Question 6 · · 📧 Mock Question 7 · · 📧 Mock Question 8 · · 📧 Mock Question 9 · · 📧 Mock Question 10 · · 📧 Mock Question 11 · · 📧 Mock Question 12 · · 📧 Mock Question 13 · · 📧 Mock Question 14 · · 📧 Mock Question 15 · · 📧 Mock Question 16 · · 📧 Mock Question 17 · · 📧 Mock Question 18 · · 📧 Mock Question 19 · · 📧 Mock Question 20 · · 📧 Mock Question 21 · · 📧 Mock Question 22 · · 📧 Mock Question 23 · · 📧 Mock Question 24 · · 📧 Mock Question 25 · · 📧 Mock Question 26 · · 📧 Mock Question 27 · · 📧 Mock Question 28 · · 📧 Mock Question 29 · · 📧 Mock Question 30 · · 📧 Mock Question 31 · · 📧 Mock Question 32 · · 📧 Mock Question 33 · · 📧 Mock Question 34 · · 📧 Mock Question 35 · · 📧 Mock Question 36 · · 📧 Mock Question 37 · · 📧 Mock Question 38 · · 📧 Mock Question 39 · · 📧 Mock Question 40 · · 📧 Mock Question 41 · · 📧 Mock Question 42
Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📃 Mock Question 1 · · 📃 Mock Question 2 · · 📃 Mock Question 3 · · 📃 Mock Question 4 · · 📃 Mock Question 5 · · 📃 Mock Question 6 · · 📃 Mock Question 7 · · 📃 Mock Question 8 · · 📃 Mock Question 9 · · 📃 Mock Question 10 · · 📃 Mock Question 11 · · 📃 Mock Question 12 · · 📃 Mock Question 13 · · 📃 Mock Question 14 · · 📃 Mock Question 15 · · 📃 Mock Question 16 · · 📃 Mock Question 17 · · 📃 Mock Question 18 · · 📃 Mock Question 19 · · 📃 Mock Question 20 · · 📃 Mock Question 21 · · 📃 Mock Question 22 · · 📃 Mock Question 23 · · 📃 Mock Question 24 · · 📃 Mock Question 25 · · 📃 Mock Question 26 · · 📃 Mock Question 27 · · 📃 Mock Question 28 · · 📃 Mock Question 29 · · 📃 Mock Question 30 · · 📃 Mock Question 31 · · 📃 Mock Question 32 · · 📃 Mock Question 33 · · 📃 Mock Question 34 · · 📃 Mock Question 35 · · 📃 Mock Question 36 · · 📃 Mock Question 37 · · 📃 Mock Question 38 · · 📃 Mock Question 39 · · 📃 Mock Question 40 · · 📃 Mock Question 41 · · 📃 Mock Question 42
Linguaskill General Speaking
Before You Start
· · Understanding what is being tested. · · Practise speaking using these academic markers. · · Answering Strategies for Part 1 · · Answering Strategies for Part 2 · · Answering Strategies for Part 3 · · Answering Strategies for Part 4 · · Answering Strategies for Part 5
Part 1: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 1: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 7
Part 2: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 2: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 7
Part 3: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 3: Mock Question 1 · · Part 3: Mock Question 2 · · Part 3: Mock Question 3 · · Part 3: Mock Question 4 · · Part 3: Mock Question 5 · · Part 3: Mock Question 6 · · Part 3: Mock Question 7
Part 4: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 4: Mock Question 1 · · Part 4: Mock Question 2 · · Part 4: Mock Question 3 · · Part 4: Mock Question 4 · · Part 4: Mock Question 5 · · Part 4: Mock Question 6
Part 5: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 5: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 7
️✏️ Understanding what is being tested.
List of Discourse Markers
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Linguaskill General Writing > Before You Start >

✏️ Use these strategies to score.

A writing strategy is a framework that guides your thought process and helps you develop your points quicker and more effectively. Writing strategy is especially important because it will help you use the prompt and bullet points in an optimised manner and, therefore, maximise your Writing score. If you haven't already, make sure you've read · · Understanding what is being tested in Writing before starting this guide.

Part 1 |

The 5W1H Strategy.

5W1H stands for What, Why, When, Where, Who, and How. It is the most basic form of writing strategy.

This writing strategy is simple to use and helps develop your points by asking basic questions about the prompt and bullet points.

To use this strategy, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Read the prompt and bullet points.
  2. When answering, write about: **** **** ********, ******, ** ******* ** ***** ** **. ******** **** ********, ******, ** ******* ** *** ***.
  3. Then, write about: *** *** **** ****** **** ********, ******, ** *******. ***** ***** *** *** **** ****** **** ********, ******, ** *******.
  4. After that, if appropriate, write about: **** *** *** ***** ** **** **** ********, ******, ** *******, ** **** **** ********, ******, ** ******* **** *****. ***** ***** *** *** **** ****** **** ******.
  5. After that, if appropriate, write about: ***** **** ********, ******, ** ******* **** **** *****. ***** ***** *** *** ****** ***** ** ***********.
  6. After that, if appropriate, write about: *** **** ********, ******, ** ******* **** *******. **** ** ******* ******** ** ******? ***** ***.
  7. Lastly, write about: *** **** ********, ******, ** ******* **** ** ******* ***. ***** ***** ***** ** ********** **** *** ********. register
Part 2 |

The Comparison Strategy (or Pros-and-Cons).

This writing strategy is a little more complex than the 5W1H strategy, but tends to produce much better academic writing and, therefore, higher writing scores.

This writing strategy is analytical in nature, so if you have a strong analytical mindset this writing strategy could work very well for you.

To use this strategy, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Read the prompt and bullet points.
  2. Next, ******** *** ****** *** ******* ****** ** **** ***** ** *** ****** *** ****** ******. *********, *** ******** ****** ** **** **** ** ***** ** *** ** *** ****** ** ****** ******. ** **** ***, *** *** ***** **** ********. ** **** *** ***, *** **** **** ** ****** **** ********.
  3. Write about *** ***** ***** ** ****, ****** **** ** ******** **** ** ** *** *** ** ** * ********** ***** ** ****.
  4. After that, write about *** ****** ***** ** ****, ****** **** ** ******** **** ** ** *** *** ** ** * ********** ***** ** ****.
  5. After that, identify ***** ** **** **********, ***************, ** ******** ** ******* **** ****** ** ****. In the Email question, ** ***** ** **** ******* *********, *** *** *** *** **** ***.
  6. After that, ******* **** ****** ** **** ** ****. ***** ***** *** **** *** **** ** **** ***** ** **** ** **** ********, **************, ** *******.
  7. Lastly, conclude by writing ***** ***** ** **** *** *******. register
Part 3 |

The Persuasion Strategy.

The persuasion strategy is the most complex writing strategy among the three. It is a complex strategy because description, exemplification, reasoning, comparison, and ordering must all be used to produce your writing, and the objective of persuasive writing is to convince the reader to adopt a particular stance, action, or opinion.

When done well, the Persuasion strategy offers the widest opportunity to showcase your grammar skills and vocabulary skills. This also means that (when done well) this strategy tends to produce the highest marks.

To use this strategy, follow the steps below.

  1. Read the prompt and bullet points.
  2. Don't start writing immediately. *** **** ** ***** ***** ******* ** ******* **** ******* ****. *** *******, ** **** ******* **** ** ** **** *** ***** ******* ** *** ***, *** ***** ******* ** ******* **** **** ***** ** (*) *** ***** ******* ******, (**) *** ***** ** **** ***********, *** (***) *** ***** ** **** ********.
  3. Remember this: *** ******* **** ********* **** ******* *** *** ******* **** ******* ** ********* *******. **** ** **** ******* ******* *** ***'* *** *********** ********* ******* *** ******* *** ********* ******* ** ***.
  4. Now, get ready to write. (*) ******** *** ***** ******. (**) ******* ** ******* ** *** ** *** *** ****** ** **** ** *** *** ******* *** ******.
  5. After that, ****** **** * *** **** ********* *******. *** **** **** ** ***** **** *******. ***** **** **** ***** ********* ********* *** *** **** **** *********. *** ********* ******* ** ***** **** *******, *** ******* "*******", "********", "*******". (***** ***** *** **** ********* ******** ** ** "******* *****".) *** * **** **** ** ********* *******, ***** ** *******; *******; **** ** ********* *******.
  6. Lastly, conclude by writing **** *** **** *** ****** **** ******** **** ****** **********. register
Final |

What strategy should you choose?

Picking the right strategy largely depends on the writing prompt and the bullet points given to you. Depending on how the question is asked, you will need to pick the right strategy to answer. For example, consider the following bullet points:

Example 1

  • Agree to go to the museum with Kayla.
  • Suggest a time to go to the museum.
  • Describe to Kayla where the museum is located.

Example 2

  • Agree to attend the wedding with Ben.
  • Suggest whether it is better to travel to the wedding by train or by bus.
  • Suggest a present to bring to the wedding.

Example 3

  • Tell Mr. Flowers which short course you would like to attend.
  • Give a few reasons why you would like to attend the short course.
  • Ask Mr. Flowers some questions about the short course.

In Example 1, *** ****** ****** *** ****** *** ** ****** ***** ******** ****** ** * ******* ******. *******, *** *** ***** ** *****. ********, *** *** ***** ** ******* * ****. *******, *** *** ***** ** ******** * ********. *** **** ******** ** *** ******* ****** ****. register

In Example 2, *** *** ***** ** ******* ** ******* ******* ** ** ****** ** ****** ** ***** ** ** ***. ***** ****, *** *** ***** ** ******* * ******* ** ***** ** *** *******. ******* ***'** ***** ** **** * ********** *** *** * ********, *** ********** ******** ** *** ******* ****** ****. register

In Example 3, *** *** ***** ** **** * ***** ******, *** **** ******* *** *** **** ****** *** ***** ******. ****** *** ******** *******, *** *** ***** ** **** * ********. ******* ** ****, *** ********** ******** ******* *** ******* ****** ****. (***** ** ** ** ********** **. ******* ** ****** *** **** *** ***** ******.) register

If the writing prompt and bullet points allow for more than one strategy, then picking the right strategy will largely depend on your personal strengths and writing preference.

While not necessarily always the case, ***** *** ******** **** ******* ** * ******* ***** ****** **** *** **** ******** **** ****** ** *** ******** ** ********** *** ********** **********. register

However, ** ***'** ****** ** ******* * **** ***** ** **** **-***/*** ***+, *** ****** ******** ***** *** ********** ** ********** ********** ******* **** *** *** *** ***********. ** *** ***'* **** ** ***** ***** **** **-***/*** ***+, ** **** **** *** *** ****** ** **** ****. register

No matter which strategy you choose, the key to success is practice. For many, writing is a learned process and it takes practice to carry out the strategy properly.

Practise your chosen strategy with our Linguaskill Writing mock questions . Check your practice writing with our model answers to reinforce your learning.

Explore all three writing strategies while you practise. Once you've gone through a couple of mock questions, you should start to get a feel of which of the three strategies works best for you. Stick with the strategy you're most confident or comfortable with, keep practicing, and you should do well in the writing test.

️✏️ Understanding what is being tested.
List of Discourse Markers
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