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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening
Before You Start
· · 📰🎧 Understanding what is being tested. · · What is paraphrasing? · · What is parts of speech? · · What themes should you expect? · · 📰🎧 Use these strategies to score.
Must-Learn Items
· · Preposition word list. · · Pronoun word list. · · Modal verb word list. · · Phrasal verb word list.
Express Guide to 100-119/CEFR A1
· · Vocabulary list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Collocations list for 100-119/CEFR A1.
Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2
· · Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1
· · Vocabulary list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Collocations list for 140-159/CEFR B1.
Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2
· · Vocabulary list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Collocations list for 160-179/CEFR B2.
Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above
· · Vocabulary list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Idioms & phrases list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Collocations list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above.
Linguaskill General Writing
Before You Start
· · ️✏️ Understanding what is being tested. · · ✏️ Use these strategies to score. · · List of Discourse Markers
Email: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📧 Mock Question 1 · · 📧 Mock Question 2 · · 📧 Mock Question 3 · · 📧 Mock Question 4 · · 📧 Mock Question 5 · · 📧 Mock Question 6 · · 📧 Mock Question 7 · · 📧 Mock Question 8 · · 📧 Mock Question 9 · · 📧 Mock Question 10 · · 📧 Mock Question 11 · · 📧 Mock Question 12 · · 📧 Mock Question 13 · · 📧 Mock Question 14 · · 📧 Mock Question 15 · · 📧 Mock Question 16 · · 📧 Mock Question 17 · · 📧 Mock Question 18 · · 📧 Mock Question 19 · · 📧 Mock Question 20 · · 📧 Mock Question 21 · · 📧 Mock Question 22 · · 📧 Mock Question 23 · · 📧 Mock Question 24 · · 📧 Mock Question 25 · · 📧 Mock Question 26 · · 📧 Mock Question 27 · · 📧 Mock Question 28 · · 📧 Mock Question 29 · · 📧 Mock Question 30 · · 📧 Mock Question 31 · · 📧 Mock Question 32 · · 📧 Mock Question 33 · · 📧 Mock Question 34 · · 📧 Mock Question 35 · · 📧 Mock Question 36 · · 📧 Mock Question 37 · · 📧 Mock Question 38 · · 📧 Mock Question 39 · · 📧 Mock Question 40 · · 📧 Mock Question 41 · · 📧 Mock Question 42
Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📃 Mock Question 1 · · 📃 Mock Question 2 · · 📃 Mock Question 3 · · 📃 Mock Question 4 · · 📃 Mock Question 5 · · 📃 Mock Question 6 · · 📃 Mock Question 7 · · 📃 Mock Question 8 · · 📃 Mock Question 9 · · 📃 Mock Question 10 · · 📃 Mock Question 11 · · 📃 Mock Question 12 · · 📃 Mock Question 13 · · 📃 Mock Question 14 · · 📃 Mock Question 15 · · 📃 Mock Question 16 · · 📃 Mock Question 17 · · 📃 Mock Question 18 · · 📃 Mock Question 19 · · 📃 Mock Question 20 · · 📃 Mock Question 21 · · 📃 Mock Question 22 · · 📃 Mock Question 23 · · 📃 Mock Question 24 · · 📃 Mock Question 25 · · 📃 Mock Question 26 · · 📃 Mock Question 27 · · 📃 Mock Question 28 · · 📃 Mock Question 29 · · 📃 Mock Question 30 · · 📃 Mock Question 31 · · 📃 Mock Question 32 · · 📃 Mock Question 33 · · 📃 Mock Question 34 · · 📃 Mock Question 35 · · 📃 Mock Question 36 · · 📃 Mock Question 37 · · 📃 Mock Question 38 · · 📃 Mock Question 39 · · 📃 Mock Question 40 · · 📃 Mock Question 41 · · 📃 Mock Question 42
Linguaskill General Speaking
Before You Start
· · Understanding what is being tested. · · Practise speaking using these academic markers. · · Answering Strategies for Part 1 · · Answering Strategies for Part 2 · · Answering Strategies for Part 3 · · Answering Strategies for Part 4 · · Answering Strategies for Part 5
Part 1: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 1: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 7
Part 2: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 2: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 7
Part 3: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 3: Mock Question 1 · · Part 3: Mock Question 2 · · Part 3: Mock Question 3 · · Part 3: Mock Question 4 · · Part 3: Mock Question 5 · · Part 3: Mock Question 6 · · Part 3: Mock Question 7
Part 4: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 4: Mock Question 1 · · Part 4: Mock Question 2 · · Part 4: Mock Question 3 · · Part 4: Mock Question 4 · · Part 4: Mock Question 5 · · Part 4: Mock Question 6
Part 5: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 5: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 7
Answering Strategies for Part 4
Part 1: Mock Question Set 1
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last updated
Linguaskill General Speaking > Before You Start >

Answering Strategies for Part 5

In this post, we'll learn essential answering strategies for Part 5 of the Linguaskill General Speaking test. Before you start this post, make sure you've read · · Understanding what is being tested in Speaking and · · Practise speaking using these academic markers.

Points |

Strategies for Part 5.

In Part 5 of the Linguaskill General Speaking test, you'll be asked five opinion-based questions about a topic. The topic may or may not be familiar to you. However, the topic will always be based on these themes, ordered roughly from most likely to least likely:

  • *** * *****, ** ********** ********** ** ****** *****. purchase
  • ****** * *******, ** ********** ****** *** **** *** ** ** **** **** ****. purchase
  • *************, ** ********** ****** *** ***'** ***** **. purchase
  • **** * *****, ** ********** ***** **** *** *******. purchase
  • ******, ** ********** ***** ********** *** *** ***********. purchase

Skills Express

You will need sufficient vocabulary in the themes listed above to do well in Part 5. To gauge how good is your vocabulary in these themes, head over to Skills Express and use the filter function to find vocabulary related to these themes at various CEFR levels.

In many ways, the strategy for Part 5 is similar to Part 3. However, unlike Part 3, there is one major difference in the way the questions are asked that increases the difficulty for Part 5.

But first, let's talk about their similarities. In Part 5, you'll first listen to a set of instructions, just like Part 3.

After that, the question and five prompts will be displayed on the screen. At this point, you will have 40 seconds to read the prompts and think about what you are going to say, just like Part 3.

This is where their similarities end.

The one major difference that increases the difficulty for Part 5 are the five prompts. ****** **** *, *** ******* ** **** * *** ********* ***** **** ****** ** ******* (******* *-* ***** ****), *** **** ** *** ******* *** ********** ** ** *** *** ****** ****** *** *********. purchase This leads to several problems for candidates, as we shall see later.

To illustrate this, here is a Part 5 question taken from Linguaskill General's Practice Speaking Test.

Example Question: Part 5

A researcher is writing a report about young people's leisure time. He wants to find out your opinion about the importance of leisure time for young people.

He will ask you questions about:

  • daily leisure time
  • playing sports
  • being alone
  • joining clubs
  • too much leisure time

Read the question and the prompts carefully. *** *** *** **** *** ******* ** *** ****** **** *** ******** ******** ***** *** ****** ** ********* ** ********* **** *** ********** ** ***** ** *** ***? purchase

One of the more important can-do statements for CEFR C1 & Above is the ability to speak about a new, unknown, and unexpected topic proficiently. Part 5 of the Linguaskill General Speaking test is designed to evaluate this ability.

After the "thinking" phase ends, a question based on prompt No. 1 will be read out to you. You will be given 20 seconds to speak and answer the question.

This pattern of questioning-answering will repeat for another 4 times. By the end of the last cycle, Part 5 will complete and the Linguaskill General Speaking test ends automatically.

********** ******* ******** ** ****** ***** ******-***** ********* *** ** ***** ****-***** ******. ********, *** ******* *** ********* ** *********** *** **** ********** ** ******* ***** ******* ** * ******* ********* *********. **** ***** ******! purchase

A great strategy for tackling this is to use the **** ******** purchase which we've covered previously in · · Answering Strategies for Part 3.

On top of this, you'll need this one extra very important strategy: ****** *** "********" *****, ******* ******** ** ****** "****-**-***" *** "*********-**-***********" **** *********, ******* *** ** **** ** *** **** ********* ***** **** ****** ** ** **** ******, *** ** ******* ***. purchase

For example. If we were to prepare our answers for the example questions we discussed earlier:

  • ****** *** "********" *****, *** ********, "** ***** ******* **** ****/***/*********/***********?" *** ** *** *** **? purchase
  • ****** *** "********" *****, *** ********, "** ******* ****** ****/***/*********/***********?" *** ** *** *** **? purchase
  • ****** *** "********" *****, *** ********, "** ******** ******* **** ***** ****/***/*********/***********?" *** ** *** *** **? purchase
  • ****** *** "********" *****, *** ********, "** ******* * **** ****/***/*********/***********?" *** ** *** *** **? purchase
  • ****** *** "********" *****, *** ********, "** ****** *** **** ******* **** ****/***/*********/***********?" *** ** *** *** **? purchase

*** *********** ******* ******** **** **** *** **** *** *** ******* ***********. **** ***** **** ***** ** ** "***** ******" ** *** ********* ***** ** ***. ** **** *** ****** ******* *** ******* ** ** *** ******* *** *******. *** *** **** ******** ** **** * ******, ** *** ****** ****** **** *** ****** ***** *** *** **** *********** ******** *****. purchase

The final thing to keep in mind is that you only have 20 seconds to speak each time. *** **** ** *** ******** ** *** *****. ***'* ******** ** *** ** ***** **** *** **** ******. **** * ****, ******* ***, *** ** *** ***** **** ***** ****, ******* **** ******** ******** ** ******* **** ***** ** ****. purchase

Here is a perfect way to answer:

  • ** ** *******, ****** ***** ******* **** ** **** ********* ** *** ***** ******. purchase
  • ** ** **** ********* ******* ***** ****** *** *** ********. purchase
  • ** ****** ******* ** ***** * ***, * **** * **** ******* **** *** ****. purchase
  • ***** ******* **** ****** ** ** **** *** ******** *********, **** ********** *** ********. purchase
  • *** **** ** **** **** *** *** ******* ****** *** ********* *********, ***** ***** ****** **** ***** **** ** *** ** **** ******* *** ***** ** *** ***** ****, ******** **** ** **** ** *** **** ********** ******. purchase
Answering Strategies for Part 4
Part 1: Mock Question Set 1
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