Guides Express
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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening
Before You Start
· · 📰🎧 Understanding what is being tested. · · What is paraphrasing? · · What is parts of speech? · · What themes should you expect? · · 📰🎧 Use these strategies to score.
Must-Learn Items
· · Preposition word list. · · Pronoun word list. · · Modal verb word list. · · Phrasal verb word list.
Express Guide to 100-119/CEFR A1
· · Vocabulary list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Collocations list for 100-119/CEFR A1.
Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2
· · Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1
· · Vocabulary list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Collocations list for 140-159/CEFR B1.
Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2
· · Vocabulary list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Collocations list for 160-179/CEFR B2.
Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above
· · Vocabulary list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Idioms & phrases list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Collocations list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above.
Linguaskill General Writing
Before You Start
· · ️✏️ Understanding what is being tested. · · ✏️ Use these strategies to score. · · List of Discourse Markers
Email: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📧 Mock Question 1 · · 📧 Mock Question 2 · · 📧 Mock Question 3 · · 📧 Mock Question 4 · · 📧 Mock Question 5 · · 📧 Mock Question 6 · · 📧 Mock Question 7 · · 📧 Mock Question 8 · · 📧 Mock Question 9 · · 📧 Mock Question 10 · · 📧 Mock Question 11 · · 📧 Mock Question 12 · · 📧 Mock Question 13 · · 📧 Mock Question 14 · · 📧 Mock Question 15 · · 📧 Mock Question 16 · · 📧 Mock Question 17 · · 📧 Mock Question 18 · · 📧 Mock Question 19 · · 📧 Mock Question 20 · · 📧 Mock Question 21 · · 📧 Mock Question 22 · · 📧 Mock Question 23 · · 📧 Mock Question 24 · · 📧 Mock Question 25 · · 📧 Mock Question 26 · · 📧 Mock Question 27 · · 📧 Mock Question 28 · · 📧 Mock Question 29 · · 📧 Mock Question 30 · · 📧 Mock Question 31 · · 📧 Mock Question 32 · · 📧 Mock Question 33 · · 📧 Mock Question 34 · · 📧 Mock Question 35 · · 📧 Mock Question 36 · · 📧 Mock Question 37 · · 📧 Mock Question 38 · · 📧 Mock Question 39 · · 📧 Mock Question 40 · · 📧 Mock Question 41 · · 📧 Mock Question 42
Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📃 Mock Question 1 · · 📃 Mock Question 2 · · 📃 Mock Question 3 · · 📃 Mock Question 4 · · 📃 Mock Question 5 · · 📃 Mock Question 6 · · 📃 Mock Question 7 · · 📃 Mock Question 8 · · 📃 Mock Question 9 · · 📃 Mock Question 10 · · 📃 Mock Question 11 · · 📃 Mock Question 12 · · 📃 Mock Question 13 · · 📃 Mock Question 14 · · 📃 Mock Question 15 · · 📃 Mock Question 16 · · 📃 Mock Question 17 · · 📃 Mock Question 18 · · 📃 Mock Question 19 · · 📃 Mock Question 20 · · 📃 Mock Question 21 · · 📃 Mock Question 22 · · 📃 Mock Question 23 · · 📃 Mock Question 24 · · 📃 Mock Question 25 · · 📃 Mock Question 26 · · 📃 Mock Question 27 · · 📃 Mock Question 28 · · 📃 Mock Question 29 · · 📃 Mock Question 30 · · 📃 Mock Question 31 · · 📃 Mock Question 32 · · 📃 Mock Question 33 · · 📃 Mock Question 34 · · 📃 Mock Question 35 · · 📃 Mock Question 36 · · 📃 Mock Question 37 · · 📃 Mock Question 38 · · 📃 Mock Question 39 · · 📃 Mock Question 40 · · 📃 Mock Question 41 · · 📃 Mock Question 42
Linguaskill General Speaking
Before You Start
· · Understanding what is being tested. · · Practise speaking using these academic markers. · · Answering Strategies for Part 1 · · Answering Strategies for Part 2 · · Answering Strategies for Part 3 · · Answering Strategies for Part 4 · · Answering Strategies for Part 5
Part 1: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 1: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 7
Part 2: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 2: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 7
Part 3: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 3: Mock Question 1 · · Part 3: Mock Question 2 · · Part 3: Mock Question 3 · · Part 3: Mock Question 4 · · Part 3: Mock Question 5 · · Part 3: Mock Question 6 · · Part 3: Mock Question 7
Part 4: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 4: Mock Question 1 · · Part 4: Mock Question 2 · · Part 4: Mock Question 3 · · Part 4: Mock Question 4 · · Part 4: Mock Question 5 · · Part 4: Mock Question 6
Part 5: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 5: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 7
Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
first published
last updated
Linguaskill General Reading & Listening > Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2 >

Idioms & phrases list for 120-139/CEFR A2.

In this post, you will be given a list of idioms, phrases, and fixed epxpressions to learn and memorise at 120-139/CEFR A2 level. These are special phrases that will help you in the Linguaskill test.

Note |

Prerequisite guides.

Before you start, read the following guide:

List |

Master these phrases.

Change Translate language
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Simplified)
a pity
If something is described as a pity, it is disappointing or not satisfactory.
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***** **** *********/** ** ********* purchase
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***'** ******* purchase
**** ** * ****** ****** **** ******* ****** *** *** ***** *********.

Note |

For extra effort...

Study the full list of idioms and phrases in Skills Express.

Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
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