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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening
Before You Start
· · 📰🎧 Understanding what is being tested. · · What is paraphrasing? · · What is parts of speech? · · What themes should you expect? · · 📰🎧 Use these strategies to score.
Must-Learn Items
· · Preposition word list. · · Pronoun word list. · · Modal verb word list. · · Phrasal verb word list.
Express Guide to 100-119/CEFR A1
· · Vocabulary list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Collocations list for 100-119/CEFR A1.
Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2
· · Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1
· · Vocabulary list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Collocations list for 140-159/CEFR B1.
Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2
· · Vocabulary list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Collocations list for 160-179/CEFR B2.
Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above
· · Vocabulary list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Idioms & phrases list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Collocations list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above.
Linguaskill General Writing
Before You Start
· · ️✏️ Understanding what is being tested. · · ✏️ Use these strategies to score. · · List of Discourse Markers
Email: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📧 Mock Question 1 · · 📧 Mock Question 2 · · 📧 Mock Question 3 · · 📧 Mock Question 4 · · 📧 Mock Question 5 · · 📧 Mock Question 6 · · 📧 Mock Question 7 · · 📧 Mock Question 8 · · 📧 Mock Question 9 · · 📧 Mock Question 10 · · 📧 Mock Question 11 · · 📧 Mock Question 12 · · 📧 Mock Question 13 · · 📧 Mock Question 14 · · 📧 Mock Question 15 · · 📧 Mock Question 16 · · 📧 Mock Question 17 · · 📧 Mock Question 18 · · 📧 Mock Question 19 · · 📧 Mock Question 20 · · 📧 Mock Question 21 · · 📧 Mock Question 22 · · 📧 Mock Question 23 · · 📧 Mock Question 24 · · 📧 Mock Question 25 · · 📧 Mock Question 26 · · 📧 Mock Question 27 · · 📧 Mock Question 28 · · 📧 Mock Question 29 · · 📧 Mock Question 30 · · 📧 Mock Question 31 · · 📧 Mock Question 32 · · 📧 Mock Question 33 · · 📧 Mock Question 34 · · 📧 Mock Question 35 · · 📧 Mock Question 36 · · 📧 Mock Question 37 · · 📧 Mock Question 38 · · 📧 Mock Question 39 · · 📧 Mock Question 40 · · 📧 Mock Question 41 · · 📧 Mock Question 42
Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📃 Mock Question 1 · · 📃 Mock Question 2 · · 📃 Mock Question 3 · · 📃 Mock Question 4 · · 📃 Mock Question 5 · · 📃 Mock Question 6 · · 📃 Mock Question 7 · · 📃 Mock Question 8 · · 📃 Mock Question 9 · · 📃 Mock Question 10 · · 📃 Mock Question 11 · · 📃 Mock Question 12 · · 📃 Mock Question 13 · · 📃 Mock Question 14 · · 📃 Mock Question 15 · · 📃 Mock Question 16 · · 📃 Mock Question 17 · · 📃 Mock Question 18 · · 📃 Mock Question 19 · · 📃 Mock Question 20 · · 📃 Mock Question 21 · · 📃 Mock Question 22 · · 📃 Mock Question 23 · · 📃 Mock Question 24 · · 📃 Mock Question 25 · · 📃 Mock Question 26 · · 📃 Mock Question 27 · · 📃 Mock Question 28 · · 📃 Mock Question 29 · · 📃 Mock Question 30 · · 📃 Mock Question 31 · · 📃 Mock Question 32 · · 📃 Mock Question 33 · · 📃 Mock Question 34 · · 📃 Mock Question 35 · · 📃 Mock Question 36 · · 📃 Mock Question 37 · · 📃 Mock Question 38 · · 📃 Mock Question 39 · · 📃 Mock Question 40 · · 📃 Mock Question 41 · · 📃 Mock Question 42
Linguaskill General Speaking
Before You Start
· · Understanding what is being tested. · · Practise speaking using these academic markers. · · Answering Strategies for Part 1 · · Answering Strategies for Part 2 · · Answering Strategies for Part 3 · · Answering Strategies for Part 4 · · Answering Strategies for Part 5
Part 1: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 1: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 7
Part 2: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 2: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 7
Part 3: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 3: Mock Question 1 · · Part 3: Mock Question 2 · · Part 3: Mock Question 3 · · Part 3: Mock Question 4 · · Part 3: Mock Question 5 · · Part 3: Mock Question 6 · · Part 3: Mock Question 7
Part 4: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 4: Mock Question 1 · · Part 4: Mock Question 2 · · Part 4: Mock Question 3 · · Part 4: Mock Question 4 · · Part 4: Mock Question 5 · · Part 4: Mock Question 6
Part 5: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 5: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 7
What themes should you expect?
Preposition word list.
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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening > Before You Start >

📰🎧 Use these strategies to score.

Answering strategies are specific answering techniques that you'll need to adopt in order to prevent yourself from getting thrown off-balance by tough questions. In this post, you'll learn all the answering strategies needed to excel in the Linguaskill General Reading & Listening test. Before you start, make sure you've read · · Understanding what is being tested in Reading & Listening.

Part 1 |

Strategies for Listen and Select questions.

In the latest version of the Listening test, audio clips are played automatically. (Previously, a "play" button needs to be clicked in order to start the audio clip.)

In order to answer listen and select questions successfully, you'll need to adopt the following strategies.

  • Make sure you're always ready for the audio clip, as the audio clip will only be played twice.
  • There is usually some waiting time before audio clips are played. *** *** **** ** ******* **** *** ******** *** ********** **** ***'** ***** *****.
  • To help with this, you should also **** ** *** *******.
    • If the answers are images, ask yourself these questions: (*) **** ** *********/*** **** ** **** *****? (*) **** ** *** **** ***** ** **** *****? (** ** ******* ** ******.) ****, ****** *** *** *********** ** *** ***** **** ***** ** ** ***** ******.
    • If the answers are texts, ******* **** *** ***** ** *** ** **** **** *** **** ** ****** ***. ****, ****** *** *** *********** ** *** ***** **** ***** ** ** ***** ******. register
Part 2 |

Strategies for Extended Listening questions.

Similar to listen and select questions (see Part 1), audio clips will be played automatically.

However, unlike listen and select questions, audio clips in extended listening questions are much, much longer and usually involve two people speaking (sometimes three).

In addition, five to six questions will be asked in succession based on the extended audio clip, making it quite a difficult time-and-information-retention challenge.

In order to answer extended listening questions successfully, you'll need to adopt the following strategies.

  • There is waiting time before extended audio clips are played. *** *** ******* **** ** ******* **** ******* *** *** *********.
  • **** ******* *** *** ******* *** ** *** *** * **** ******. Don't worry if you can't do this, though.
  • Never **** *** ********* ***/** ******* after *** **** ******** ********* ** *** ***** ****, ** *** **** **** ** ****** **** ***'** ***** ** *** ******** ** **** ***'** ***** ** *** ***** **** (*** ** ************).
  • All questions in Extended Listening are asked ** *** ***** **** ****** ** *** ***** ****. If 5 questions are asked, you can be certain that *** *********** ****** ** ****** ******** * **** ****** ** ***** ****** ******** *; *** *********** ****** *** ******** * **** ****** ** ***** ****** ******** *; so on and so forth.
  • Because of this, *** ****** ****** *** ********* ** *** *** ********* ** *** ***** ****.
  • Extended audio clips will be played twice. ****** *** ********* ** *** ***** **** *******, **** ** *** *** *** **** ***** *** *******.
  • *** *** ****** **** ******* ** ***** **** *******. This will give you the best chance of answering the questions correctly.
  • Never wait ***** **** **** ******** **** ***** ****** ********** *** *********, register as you will likely find it very difficult to remember every single information presented in the audio clip.
Part 3 |

Strategies for Reading questions with answer choices.

This part applies to:

  • Read and select questions.
  • Gapped sentence questions.
  • Multiple-choice gap-fill questions.
  • Extended reading questions.
  • Read the question(s) and answer(s) carefully. Unlike traditional multiple choice questions, ******* *** ******** *** ******* *** ****** ** ********** ***** ** *** *********.
  • Answer(s) will often repeat words **** *** **** ** *** ********(*) ** ***** ** ******* ***.
  • Read the question(s) for meaning. ** *** *** ** **** "********" ** *** ********(*) ** ****** ** *** ******.
  • Very few questions at the higher CEFR bands will provide direct answers. **** ********* **** ****** *** ** *** ******* *********** ** **** *******. (*** *******; *******; **** ** ************?)
  • In gapped sentence and multiple-choice gap-fill questions, **** **********, ******, ***** ***********, ************, *** ******* ***** will be tested. When you absolutely do not know the answer, ****** *** ****** **** "******" ***** ** *** **** ******* ** ***. register
Final |

Strategies for Open Gap-Fill questions.

Open gap-fill questions are similar to multiple-choice gap-fill questions, except that answer choices will not be given.

A few paragraphs (usually three to four) will be presented to you with five to six gaps for you to type in your answer.

Since you can type in any answer, open gap-fill questions are among the hardest questions you can encounter in the Linguaskill Reading & Listening test.

In order to answer open gap-fill questions successfully, you'll need to adopt the following strategies.

  • The first thing you'll need to know is this: gaps are always one-word answers. Do not type in multiple words into a single gap.
  • This quickly helps you narrow down your choices. In particular, focus your thinking in the following items:
    • ************.
    • ******* *****.
    • ***** *****.
    • ************.
    • ********.
    • ********.
    • ****** (************).
    • ***** *********** (************). register
  • The following items are not tested, so you may rule them out:
    • *****.
    • **********.
    • *****.
    • *******. register
  • If you are unfamiliar with the items listed above, make sure you read · · What is parts of speech? for a quick refresher course.
What themes should you expect?
Preposition word list.
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