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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening
Before You Start
· · 📰🎧 Understanding what is being tested. · · What is paraphrasing? · · What is parts of speech? · · What themes should you expect? · · 📰🎧 Use these strategies to score.
Must-Learn Items
· · Preposition word list. · · Pronoun word list. · · Modal verb word list. · · Phrasal verb word list.
Express Guide to 100-119/CEFR A1
· · Vocabulary list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 100-119/CEFR A1. · · Collocations list for 100-119/CEFR A1.
Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2
· · Vocabulary list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 120-139/CEFR A2. · · Collocations list for 120-139/CEFR A2.
Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1
· · Vocabulary list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Idioms & phrases list for 140-159/CEFR B1. · · Collocations list for 140-159/CEFR B1.
Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2
· · Vocabulary list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Idioms & phrases list for 160-179/CEFR B2. · · Collocations list for 160-179/CEFR B2.
Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above
· · Vocabulary list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Idioms & phrases list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above. · · Collocations list for 180+/CEFR C1 & Above.
Linguaskill General Writing
Before You Start
· · ️✏️ Understanding what is being tested. · · ✏️ Use these strategies to score. · · List of Discourse Markers
Email: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📧 Mock Question 1 · · 📧 Mock Question 2 · · 📧 Mock Question 3 · · 📧 Mock Question 4 · · 📧 Mock Question 5 · · 📧 Mock Question 6 · · 📧 Mock Question 7 · · 📧 Mock Question 8 · · 📧 Mock Question 9 · · 📧 Mock Question 10 · · 📧 Mock Question 11 · · 📧 Mock Question 12 · · 📧 Mock Question 13 · · 📧 Mock Question 14 · · 📧 Mock Question 15 · · 📧 Mock Question 16 · · 📧 Mock Question 17 · · 📧 Mock Question 18 · · 📧 Mock Question 19 · · 📧 Mock Question 20 · · 📧 Mock Question 21 · · 📧 Mock Question 22 · · 📧 Mock Question 23 · · 📧 Mock Question 24 · · 📧 Mock Question 25 · · 📧 Mock Question 26 · · 📧 Mock Question 27 · · 📧 Mock Question 28 · · 📧 Mock Question 29 · · 📧 Mock Question 30 · · 📧 Mock Question 31 · · 📧 Mock Question 32 · · 📧 Mock Question 33 · · 📧 Mock Question 34 · · 📧 Mock Question 35 · · 📧 Mock Question 36 · · 📧 Mock Question 37 · · 📧 Mock Question 38 · · 📧 Mock Question 39 · · 📧 Mock Question 40 · · 📧 Mock Question 41 · · 📧 Mock Question 42
Long Text: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · 📃 Mock Question 1 · · 📃 Mock Question 2 · · 📃 Mock Question 3 · · 📃 Mock Question 4 · · 📃 Mock Question 5 · · 📃 Mock Question 6 · · 📃 Mock Question 7 · · 📃 Mock Question 8 · · 📃 Mock Question 9 · · 📃 Mock Question 10 · · 📃 Mock Question 11 · · 📃 Mock Question 12 · · 📃 Mock Question 13 · · 📃 Mock Question 14 · · 📃 Mock Question 15 · · 📃 Mock Question 16 · · 📃 Mock Question 17 · · 📃 Mock Question 18 · · 📃 Mock Question 19 · · 📃 Mock Question 20 · · 📃 Mock Question 21 · · 📃 Mock Question 22 · · 📃 Mock Question 23 · · 📃 Mock Question 24 · · 📃 Mock Question 25 · · 📃 Mock Question 26 · · 📃 Mock Question 27 · · 📃 Mock Question 28 · · 📃 Mock Question 29 · · 📃 Mock Question 30 · · 📃 Mock Question 31 · · 📃 Mock Question 32 · · 📃 Mock Question 33 · · 📃 Mock Question 34 · · 📃 Mock Question 35 · · 📃 Mock Question 36 · · 📃 Mock Question 37 · · 📃 Mock Question 38 · · 📃 Mock Question 39 · · 📃 Mock Question 40 · · 📃 Mock Question 41 · · 📃 Mock Question 42
Linguaskill General Speaking
Before You Start
· · Understanding what is being tested. · · Practise speaking using these academic markers. · · Answering Strategies for Part 1 · · Answering Strategies for Part 2 · · Answering Strategies for Part 3 · · Answering Strategies for Part 4 · · Answering Strategies for Part 5
Part 1: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 1: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 1: Mock Question Set 7
Part 2: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 2: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 2: Mock Question Set 7
Part 3: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 3: Mock Question 1 · · Part 3: Mock Question 2 · · Part 3: Mock Question 3 · · Part 3: Mock Question 4 · · Part 3: Mock Question 5 · · Part 3: Mock Question 6 · · Part 3: Mock Question 7
Part 4: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 4: Mock Question 1 · · Part 4: Mock Question 2 · · Part 4: Mock Question 3 · · Part 4: Mock Question 4 · · Part 4: Mock Question 5 · · Part 4: Mock Question 6
Part 5: Mock Questions and Model Answers
· · Part 5: Mock Question Set 1 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 2 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 3 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 4 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 5 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 6 · · Part 5: Mock Question Set 7
What is paraphrasing?
What themes should you expect?
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Linguaskill General Reading & Listening > Before You Start >

What is parts of speech?

Parts of speech refers to the grammatical groups that words are divided into based on their usage. In this post, we'll identify the parts of speech that are emphasised most in Linguaskill's Reading & Listening test and tell you how you should prepare for them.

Part 1 |

Let's start with a basic example.

In English, information is communicated by using words arranged in a certain order, depending on what the information is and how the information is being communicated.

To demonstrate this, let's look at example sentence 1 below.

Example Sentence 1




The sentence "Sarah drinks milk" contains 2 parts of speech: Nouns and Verbs. "Sarah" and "milk" are nouns, and "drinks" is a verb.

The two nouns and one verb are arranged in the basic sentence structure, i.e. grammar, of subject action object. We'll look at grammar in another post, so for now let's keep our focus on parts of speech.

Part 2 |

Let's bring it up one level.

Besides Nouns and Verbs, there are other parts of speech that we commonly use.

Look at example sentence 2.

Example Sentence 2






Example sentence 2 introduces two new parts of speech: Adjectives and Adverbs. In this sentence, the word "cold" is an adjective and "quickly" is an adverb.

Because we've added more information to example sentence 1, we now know that the milk is cold (and not hot) and Sarah is drinking it quickly (and not slowly).

Part 3 |

Let's keep going.

Besides Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs, here are two more parts of speech that you'll need to know.

Look at example sentence 3.

Example Sentence 3


drinks upVerb Phrase





Example sentence 3 introduces another two new parts of speech: Phrasal Verb (or Verb Phrase) and Pronouns. In this sentence, the phrase "drinks up" is a verb phrase and "her" is a pronoun.

Keep this in mind as we'll need to use these later.

Part 4 |

Let's add some context.

Prepositions. These are words like "in", "at", "on", "by", "of", "to", "next to", "above", "below", and "since" that are used to add information about positions, directions, places, time, and description of things.

Look at example sentence 4.

Example Sentence 4










In example sentence 4, the word "before" is a preposition as it tells us the time when the action is occurring (before bedtime, not during or after it).

(And in case you were wondering, "bedtime" is another Noun, and "before bedtime" is a Prepositional Phrase.)

Part 5 |

Let's add even more context.

We can provide even more information by joining clauses or sentence together using conjunctions. Conjunctions are words like "and", "but", "while", "since", "or", and "yet".

Look at example sentence 5.

Example Sentence 5
















In example sentence 5, the word "while" is a conjunction joining the previous sentence with a new clause "she is in the kitchen".

Example sentence 5 also introduces an Article: "the". An Article is a parts of speech that functions as a quantifier for nouns.

Part 6 |

How is parts of speech tested in Linguaskill Reading & Listening?

Parts of speech is tested in the Reading section. All gapped sentence, multiple-choice gap-fill, and open gap-fill questions in the Reading section test one or more parts of speech.

Not all parts of speech are equally tested, as the Reading sections emphasises certain parts of speech over others. They can be categorised into two groups:

  1. Core parts of speech. Word groups such as prepositions, pronouns, and modal verbs are tested throughout the Reading and Listening test, and you will need to understand them thoroughly no matter what score or level you are aiming for.
  2. Dynamic parts of speech. Word groups such as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, idioms, fixed expressions, collocations, and phrasal verbs are score- or level-dependent (hence, dynamic), and can be learnt separately.
Final |

How to improve parts of speech?


To improve core parts of speech, study the test guides:


To improve dynamic parts of speech, study the test guides:

  • Express Guide to 100-119/CEFR A1 > ...
  • Express Guide to 120-139/CEFR A2 > ...
  • Express Guide to 140-159/CEFR B1 > ...
  • Express Guide to 160-179/CEFR B2 > ...
  • Express Guide to 180+/CEFR C1 & Above > ...
What is paraphrasing?
What themes should you expect?
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